Latino Economic Development Center Case Study


Through a partnership with Pollen Midwest, we created a case study to learn how the Latino Economic Development Center embraces entrepreneurship as a driving force for social and economic equity, providing support for Latino businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Excerpt from the Case Study

The Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC) strikes up conversations at local churches, with partner organizations and on rural farms — inviting its members to collaboratively build programming that meets their needs. These partnerships help LEDC work toward a shared community vision of economic prosperity and more equitable economic systems.

Commitment to Community

Entrepreneurs, United

Through an ongoing community conversation, LEDC learned how unified organizing, big visions and strong business plans led to increased prosperity in immigrant communities. It took what it learned and worked with the community to create its own road map for economic equity: starting with the Mercado Central.

Building Relationships

Tools, training and a network for success

From pairing new farmers with experienced farmers to helping identify and secure buyers to offering classes in business, LEDC supports entrepreneurship for emerging farmers, promoting economic stability every step of the way.

Midtown Global Market building

Featured Video

See how LEDC embraces entrepreneurship as a driving force for social and economic equity.